Tesla's Innovational Technologies | Geopathic stress
Geopathic stress is also caused by:
In short, geopathic stress is also caused by human-created EMFs/EMR.
The bad news about geopathic stressGeopathic stress causes a weakness of the immune system, and this can lead to an inability to absorb nutrients properly, which can result in headaches, depression, or stress. Geopathic stress may also be the source of unwanted paranormal activity. Geopathic stress has also been found to be the most common factor in serious and long-term illnesses and in some psychological conditions. Scientists at Dulwich Health Society, UK, studied over 25,000 people with ill health and concluded that the following groups are geopathically stressed (GS):
In other studies, doctors in Europe who, between them, have investigated over 10,000 cancer patients, found that 92% of them were living in a geopathically stressed environment. Your immune system and your DNAStrictly speaking, geopathic stress does not cause any illness, but it lowers your immune system and your ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. Note this in relation to the recent COVID-19 "pandemic," that is to say, the highest areas of infection have occurred in areas where 5G has already been heavily deployed, e.g. Wuhan and New York. Geopathic stress is a weak, but continuous stress on the DNA. Over a period of years, it seriously disrupts the metabolism on a molecular scale. The most common indication of geopathic stress is resistance to treatment, either conventional or alternative. SummaryIn summary, geopathic stress can be caused by any of three things:
Tesla's Innovational Technologies devices are designed to address geopathic stress. Next section: Disconnection from the Source of our higher life
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